Anything close or above to 1.5% CTR is good for HVAC industry.
- Google AdWords results receive 65% of the clicks that started with buying keywords, while organic results only receive 35 percent (Craig McConnel)
- Businesses make an average of $2 in income for every $1 they spend in AdWords. (Google)
- On average, 41% of clicks go to the top 3 paid ads on the search results page. (Wordstream)
- For high commercial intent searches (someone looking to buy a product) paid ads get 65% of all clicks. (Wordstream)
- The average click-through rate for an ad in the first position is 7.94%. An average click-through rate is 2%. (AccuraCast)
- PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors. (Unbounce)
- 65% of B2B companies have acquired a customer through LinkedIn paid ads. (HubSpot)
- One company increased their PPC ROI by 2.5 times with Facebook remarketing. (AdRoll)
- Search ads can increase brand awareness by 80%. (Google)
- 75% of people who find local, helpful information in search results are more likely to visit the physical stores. (Google)
- Terra Organics attributes 25% of their new customers to their targeted search campaigns. (Google)
- Display advertising has proven to increase traffic to websites by 300%. (Visually)
- There are at least 300,000 mobile apps currently serving Google Mobile Ads. (Creative Roots Marketing)
43% of new customers to buy something they saw in a YouTube ad. (Contently) - AdWords competitive rate of 87% allows your advertisement to fairly promote your products or services making you a competitor to those in similar industries. (Optimus 01)
- The Legal industry has the highest average Cost Per Actions: $135.17 (Search Engine Land)
- Industry with the best average conversion rate for AdWords search ads: Insurance and Finance. (7.19%) (Search Engine Land)
- Industry with the best average conversion rate for AdWords display ads: Home Goods (2.19%). (Search Engine Land)
- The average person is served over 1,700 banner ads per month, but only half of them are ever viewed.
- The proportion of desktop and laptop users who use blockers is more than twice as large as the proportion of smartphone users who use blockers. (Business Insider, 2017)
- Ad blocking in the US has increased from 15%-30% since 2014. (Statitsa, 2018)
- 30% of marketers think outbound marketing tactics are overrated. (HubSpot, 2018)
- 70% of millennials like it when they can click on a product from an ad. (Google, 2018)