About Us
Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Standard Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning has been successfully operating in the Manhattan, KS area since 1923. The secret to our success is very simple: customer satisfaction. We make sure expectations are set up front, you understand the process and the end result are what you wanted. If you aren’t happy, neither are we!
Easy & Flexible Payment Plans Available
We know not everything is planned and money doesn’t grow on trees. That’s why we have a couple partnerships that allow you to still take your planned and unexpected projects. If you like online and instant results, Pfizer is a great option for you. If you prefer a local, in-person relationship, we have that too!
High Tech Plumbers Who Stay Up To Date
Standard Plumbing has always been at the cutting edge of current home-comfort technology. We can meet nearly every plumbing, heating and air conditioning need, including repairs, installation, maintenance, and cleaning. That’s why we take hiring seriously and have built one of the most qualified and respected teams in the area!