Content writing is the backbone of every website. Without it, search engines will not see a website as an option for consumers looking for goods and services. It’s not enough to just have a lot of words on a page. You should have your competitors assessed so you’ll know what you need to accomplish in order to be in the running for the phrases they are ranking for. The best way to do this is to simply search for a term you want to be found for in Google. Make sure to check out these HVAC Talk FAQs that you can add to your website.
When you go online and search for a term, let’s say “AC Repair near me”, go and checkout the top competitors that pull up for the phrase. That’s how much content you’ll need to begin compete in that marketplace. Then, you’ll want to see how many blogs they have tying into that service page. An HVAC website should have one page for every service or product in every city you want to sell it – even if you don’t see it in the menu.
Simply put, the more content the better. However often you are posting content and updates, that is how often Google will have to crawl the website. The crawl frequency will increase over time as it becomes a regular act of updating the site. As an example, most news sites post multiple times per day, giving them a very frequent crawl rate, hence the great rankings. Another thing you’ll notice is that they update pages after they are posted. A good example of this happening is the pages that were created for the Stimulus updates. They did not create a new page every time there was an update, they updated the existing one. CI Web Group achieves this with our SEO Plans.